homemade rose deodorant


ridiculously easy to make! 

homemade deodorant:

coconut oil
absolute rose essential oil

simply mix and store in a mason jar & keep cool ish

I was able to put some in this old deodorant container, but it melted so it's probably better to add arrowroot powder if you want to keep it in a container like the one pictured. However, if you don't mind rubbing the paste with your hands, then just store it in a jar! 

It smells so clean & lasts all day :)

cute snacks inspiration //

I've always been a strong believer in cute snacks, and by this i mean, making my snacks look cute! maybe it's my asian side coming out... or maybe its inspiration by all of the health leaders of the internet:

FullyRaw Kristina inspired me first! Her beautiful arrangements of rainbows always inspired me to raise the vibration of my food by literally eating a rainbow & arranging my food in such a way that seems balanced & aligned. Basically like sacred geometry... She's gotta be one of the happiest people on this planet.

...and then a bunch of other people came along and started doing the same thing. we're all just calling the same things by different names to keep up with the times & it's all very confusing but once you settle down & calm down & breathe, you realize that anyone can be creative. i never thought of myself as creative, but once you really settle down, (like shaking a bottle of water + sand, once all the sand settles to the bottom...) you can unleash the creativity that's been building up inside of you for years! but first, you've gotta start. & once you start, bam, you're staying up till 4 AM learning how to hula hoop like those chicks on instagram 
ok rambling over.

this posts' intentions:
to inspire myself when i'm knee deep in schoolwork & can't think of what to eat
maybe inspire others to get creative with their snacks & fully enjoy what they are eating at that time

it's really just all about being present.
when i take the time & effort to make my snacks look "cute" I feel as if I'm taking time for myself, which is important when I'm studying about all these subjects & having doubts about my life & stress & whatnot. also, i'm fully immersing myself in the moment by consciously arranging each piece of nourishing goodness, and enjoying it throughout the entirety of that moment.

mint+raspberry infused water / green beans/ sesame leaves / bell peppers / jalapeños / sugar snap peas
(there's probably hummus somewhere...)

** amazing new snack that I really liked - nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts) & dark chocolate covered in honey & cinnamon

strawberry + banana + acai berry juice + coconut water + chia seeds
scrambled egg whites + parmesan + sautéed spinach in olive oil + strawberries + blueberries + avocado

boiled eggs + avocado + blueberry + nectarines

scrambled eggs + sautéed spinach in olive oil + parmesan + avocado + blueberries 

scrambled eggs + strawberries + watermelon + h2o

got carried away...
watermelon + banana + blackberries + kiwis + raspberries + cinnamon + honey

so pretty o.O

avocado + kidney beans + chopped butter lettuce (TJs) + jalapeno 

new found love = potatoes

boil chopped yukon potatoes --> sauté in grapeseed oil + minced garlic + fresh green onion + cilantro + rosemary from garden

*the other day, I made the same thing, but I added shredded day "cheddar cheese" & it was so glorious my dad even tried it

granola + honey greek yogurt (noosa) + banana
*I usually add honey + cinnamon 

granola + honey + cinnamon + blackberries

greek yogurt (noosa) + blueberries + honey + cinnamon

noose is the best brand of greek yogurt that I have tried so far. I've been using it for a couple years now actually :O 

blueberries - must buy organic as berries have a ton of pesticides

avocado toast, fried egg, blackberries, green tea

sauteed spinach in olive oil + steel cut oats + blueberries + chia seeds 
green smoothie - banana + spinach + parsley + coconut water + berries

*I used to eat sautéed spinach in olive oil every morning - this was during my "peak" in my health when I'd wake up at 7 am, yoga, juice, eat, school - I had a routine that I stuck with... don't know where that went ha!

postmeditation vibes
